Profesor Titular A

Doctor en Ciencia Forestal por la Universidad de Córdoba, España, (Noviembre 2001)

Ingeniero Forestal

Licenciado en Ciencias Forestales

Departamento de Ciencias Forestales

Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Medioambiente

Universidad de La Frontera




+56 452325635 (Of) / +56 452325662 (Lab Biol Mol)/ +56 452596754 (Lab HPLC)



Sus líneas de investigación se basan en el estudio de mecanismos fisiológicos, bioquímicos y moleculares asociados a los mecanismos de tolerancia, promoción del crecimiento vegetal y resiliencia a condiciones de Cambio Climático, que intervienen en la interacción Suelo-Planta-Microorganismos en suelos contaminados por xenobióticos (metales pesados, metaloides, hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos y plaguicidas).  Entre los microorganismos estudiados destacan Bacterias (Plant growth-promoting de vida libre y endófitas) y Hongos rizosféricos tales como: micorrizas arbusculares, endófitos, septados oscuros y degradadores de materia orgánica.

​Proyectos de Investigación

2021-2025. “Synergistic effects between extremophilic root-associated fungi. an innovative study of rhizosphere fungal communities to improve plant performance under combined drought and metal(loid)s stress”.  Investigador Responsable 

2019-2023. «Modelling mixed-species forests: accounting for ecological and climatic drivers in forest growth» Investigador Responsable Dr. Christian Salas E. Co-investigador 

2020 – 2022. «Urban trees and leaf-associated microorganism and their relationship in the retention of atmospheric particulate matter, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. A preliminar study of phytoremediation of air pollutants». Investigadora Responsable Dra. Alejandra Fuentes Q. Co-investigador 

Publicaciones Científicas

Genome Sequence of Brevundimonas sp., an Arsenic Resistant Soil Bacterium.

Cell Wall Calcium and Hemicellulose Have a Role in the Fruit Firmness during Storage of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.).

Soil contamination with phenanthrene induces maize mycorrhiza growth suppression

Inoculation of Triticum Aestivum L. (Poaceae) with PlantGrowthPromoting Fungi Alleviates Plant Oxidative Stress and Enhances Phenanthrene Dissipation in Soil.

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and mycoremediated dry olive residue in lead uptake in wheat plants.

Controlled mycorrhization of the endemic Chilean orchid Chloraea gavilu (Orchidaceae).

Mycorrhizal Fungi Isolated from Native Terrestrial Orchids from Region of La Araucanía, Southern Chile.

Effects of Halophyte Root Exudates and Their Components on Chemotaxis, Biofilm Formation and Colonization of the Halophilic Bacterium Halomonas Anticariensis FP35(T)

Fungal and Bacterial Microbiome Associated with the Rhizosphere of Native Plants from the Atacama Desert

Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Mycorrhizal Tissues of Terrestrial Orchids from Southern Chile.

 Isolation and identification of plant growth-promoting bacteria from rhizomes of Arachnitis uniflora, a fully mycoheterotrophic plant in southern Chile

Root-Associated Fungal Communities in Two Populations of the Fully Mycoheterotrophic Plant Arachnitis uniflora Phil. (Corsiaceae) in Southern Chile

The Endophytic Fungus Chaetomium cupreum Regulates Expression of Genes Involved in the Tolerance to Metals and Plant Growth Promotion in Eucalyptus globulus Roots.

Enhanced Arsenic Tolerance in Triticum aestivum Inoculated with Arsenic-Resistant and Plant Growth Promoter Microorganisms from a Heavy Metal-Polluted Soil.

Alleviation of metal stress by Pseudomonas orientalis and Chaetomium cupreum strains and their effects on Eucalyptus globulus growth promotion.

 Orchid Mycorrhizal Interactions on the Pacific Side of the Andes from Chile

Improving Soil Simazine Dissipation Through an Organic Amendment Inoculated with Trametes versicolor

Adaptation and tolerance mechanisms developed by mycorrhizal Bipinnula fimbriata plantlets (Orchidaceae) in a heavy metal-polluted ecosystem

Transcriptome analysis during ripening of table grape berry cv

Short-term response of soil microorganisms, nutrients and plant recovery in fire-affected Araucaria araucana forests

Dual inoculation with mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi suppress the maize growth and development under phenanthrene exposure

A catechol oxidase AcPPO from cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) is localized to the Golgi apparatus.

Mycorrhizal compatibility and symbiotic seed germination of orchids from the Coastal Range and Andes in south central Chile.

Synergistic interactions between a saprophytic fungal consortium and Rhizophagus irregularis alleviate oxidative stress in plants grown in heavy metal contaminated soil. Plant and Soil.

Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR in Solanum lycopersicum L. inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis.

The Forest Sector in Chile: An Overview and Current Challenges

​Tesis Doctoral

Adaptation and tolerance mechanisms developed by mycorrhiza orchids in a metal(loid) contaminated soil.
Profesor Guía Dr. Cesar Arriagada E.


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